Technological cards, assembly and decompilation, production operations


Production process accounting:
  • Technological cards
  • Production according to technological cards
  • Bundling / Unbundling
  • Write-off of raw materials used in production
  • Printing of technological cards and production documents
Gamyba modulis
Techologinės kortelės

Production according to technological cards

  • Standardisation: ensures that products are consistent and meet established standards;
  • Time saving: time is saved because everything is prepared in advance;
  • Ease of use: technology cards are easy to understand and use;
Gamyba pagal technologines korteles

Production methods
Production from technological cards or bundling / unbundling

Write-off of raw materials
Write-off of raw materials, materials or components used in production

Printing of technological cards, production and assembly acts
Komplektavimas / iškomplektavimas

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