Inventory accounting, purchase and sale document register


Registration of purchases and sales, movement of goods and monitoring of stock as well as electronic commerce
Warehouse modules
Trade module


Possibility to register purchasing documents using the module.
"Additional costs" function allows to increase the purchase price of goods based on the data provided in:

  • goods purchase invoice;
  • in another purchase document;
  • in a general ledger entry.

Possibility to apply the required deduction method to the purchase record.
Purchases module

Product balances
Stock of goods in the company to this day according to the warehouse, code, supplier and other characteristics

Consignment balances
Checking of stock or registering consignment sales

Movement of goods
Movement of selected goods in the selected warehouse
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Customer prices
Individual prices to each customer

Automated invoicing
Generation of invoices according to concluded contracts with customers

Repricing of selected goods according to the selected method

Actual and accounting verification of residual goods

Confirmation of movement
Confirmation of internal record between warehouses

Cash register sales
Cash register sales integrated in the program

Sales returns

Returns of sold goods or services can be registered in the module.
All returns registered in the company can be viewed, edited or deleted.

Sales returns
Knowledge base

Note: Learn more about inventory accounting, income and expense grouping, and accounting in our free accounting courses.

How to use the warehouse module