How to transfer customer cards to the program?

FAQ / How to transfer customer cards to the program?

Your previous accounting software should support data export to Excel format.

Settings → Data import → Clients

Select "Clients", mark and click on the arrow "→ Next step".

Download the Excel template of the data file, in which you will need to fill in clients data, click on "Download template".
Fill in the downloaded table. Please note which fields are required. Which fields are optional, you can leave them blank.
Your previous accounting software should support exporting data to Excel format. You just need to copy the relevant data
from the export file of the previous accounting program into the corresponding columns of the template.

When you have completed Exel, click on the arrow "→ Next step".
In the "Choose file" field, drag and drop or click to select. Choose the completed file and upload it to the system.

After importing the file, clients data will be registered in the Clients module.